
Consultancy in the fields of
IP Law
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Company and Commercial Law
Startup related legal consulting
Korea related legal consulting
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Karriere & Qualifikationen

Since 2018 Partner with PLC Park & Lemke Lawfirm
2010 – 2016 Partner with FPS Rechtsanwälte, Frankfurt (Head of Korean Desk)
2009 Adjunct Professor at the Chung-Nam University, Law School, Daejon, Korea
2006 – 2008 Doctorate student at the Sung Kyun Kwan University, College of Law, Seoul, Korea
2006 Member of the Korea Copyright Commission
2004 – 2009 Foreign Attorney at Lee Internation IP & Law Group, Seoul, Korea
2002 – 2004 Associate attorney at Bardehle IP Law, München
2000 – 2001 Professional Legal Training at the High Court of Brandenburg (Brandenburg, Potsdam, Berlin), doctorate student at the Humbolt Universität Berlin, Germany
1994 – 1999 Research staff with the Institute of comparative legal research, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
1992 – 1994 Scholarship of the German Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Law Student at University of Augsburg, Germany, German Legal State Examination, Graduation of Law School, University of Augsburg, Germany
1986 – 1987 Scholarship of the Sung Kyun Kwan University Foundation (4 year full scholarship), study of law and philosophy at Sung Kyun Kwan University in Seoul, Korea


German, Korean, English


2011 Apple vs. Samsung – Kampf der Tablet-Giganten: Anmerkungen zu LG Düsseldorf, Urt. V. 09.09.2011, Az. 14c O 194/11, in: Legal Tribune Online
2008 Lecture on British Law of Contracts 1st Edition, Buboung Publishing House (Korean commentary)
2006 Lecture on US Law of Contracts , 2nd Edition, Bubyoung Publishing House (Korean commentary)
2006 License Agreements, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Korean Version, Bubyoung Publishing House
2003 New Perspectives on Evidence (Article regarding the Fax Card decision of the German BGH), MIP Patent Yearbook 2003, Schuster, Cho Ikze

Member of Deutsch-Koreanische Juristische Gesellschaft e.V.
Member of International Association of Korean Lawyers IAKL